Cost versus effectiveness is the
ultimate bottom line when considering solutions; how to get the proverbial “biggest
bang for the buck.” The effectiveness of each solution would be based upon the
size of the pollutant load that is cleaned up by a particular remedy and the
time it takes to accomplish it. The catch is that many factors come into play
when calculating both the “bang” and the “buck.”
Among the factors are geographic
considerations, such as outfall location, headwater areas and confluences. In
addition to location within the watershed, environmental factors, such as
soils, geology, impaired streams (see Appendix B) and species of concern;
operation/maintenance; and sustainability need to be analyzed when contemplating
the most effective solution to reduce nutrient/sediment pollution. The cost of
implementing the solution also needs to be considered, in conjunction with effectiveness,
to ensure practicality, as well as getting the most pollutant reduction for each
dollar spent. At times, site restraints may prevent the use of the most
effective and/or the least expensive solution. Among the common restraints are
location of solutions, pollutant sources, population centers, types of land
use, landowners, and funding sources.
When calculating financial costs for a
particular solution, the achievement of multiple objectives should likewise be
considered. York County has many plans, assessments, and reports concerning the
County’s water resources, all with recommendations, goals, and objectives. For
example, if a particular pollutant reduction solution also reduces an environmental
hazard and/or provides an identified recreational need, achievement of multiple
benefits may turn an otherwise economically impractical solution into the most cost
effective remedy. Established TMDLs, Watershed/Rivers Conservation Plans, MS4 permits,
County land preservation programs, and County/municipal comprehensive plans are some examples of
environmental planning efforts throughout the County that should be consulted
when establishing project priorities for this Plan.
The criteria presented above for
evaluating solutions can be summarized as follows:
- Pollutant source/type
- Target impaired waters
- BMP efficiency (cost/benefit)
- Secondary benefits
- Cooperative partners
- Public vs. private projects
- MS4 compatibility
- Funding availability