PA DEP’s Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment
Report lists the polluted streams and the reasons for the pollution. Additionally, the
Report identifies waters that have a developed total maximum daily load (TMDL) and waters
that require a TMDL, including a target date for the development of the required
TMDL. For this section of the York County WIP, the Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and
Assessment Report is used to identify York County impaired waters, the pollutants
that caused the impairments, and the source of the impairments. Likewise,
the Report can be used to identify York County waters that need reductions in
nutrients (nitrogen/phosphorus) and/or sediment to improve water quality.
The 2011 York County Integrated Water Resources Plan (IWRP)
included information on all York County impaired waters from the PA DEP’s Water
Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. This Plan, however, focuses on the waters
impaired by nutrients and/or sediment (see Map 1 and Appendix B). Map 1 also shows
the York County large watersheds and municipal boundaries, in order to put the
impaired waters in perspective. Map 2 shows the impaired sub-watersheds within
each of the larger watersheds, which further demonstrates the extent of
nutrient/sediment impairment in the County.
According to the 2012 Report, the impairment of 28% of the
waters shown is due solely to an agricultural source and the cause in each case is
siltation. Approximately 50% of the waters are impaired due to another source or sources in
combination with agriculture, with urban runoff/storm sewers being the most
prevalent. It is also interesting to note that siltation is a contributing cause
of the impairment in 93% of the waters and it is the sole cause in 53% of the waters.
A listing of York County waters that are impaired to some extent
due to nutrients and/or sediment can be found in Appendix B. Also included are
the impaired use, source and specific cause for each water body listed.
It is essential to remember that US EPA’s, and therefore PA
DEP’s, watershed restoration priorities are developed and implemented as a
result of the Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. Thus,
this Report should be used as a tool to identify priority locations for watershed restoration projects in York County.